VRDP experience and activates on environment and climate change

Capacity Building for NGO Leaders on Climate Change
VRDP organized a capacity building training for the NGO leaders on 11th and 12th April’2011. 30 NGO leaders from Salem, Coimbatore and Dharmapuri district participated in the program. Mr.Renganathan, Director VRDP facilitated the program and briefed the objective of the the program. District level initiatives on climate change insisted in the program to have a comprehensive plan at the regional level. The ways and means were discussed to advocate the cross cutting issues with related to climate change.

Coalition for climate Justice
On 23rd July 2011 Coalition for climate Justice organized a one day workshop at Chennai. Mr. Praful Bidwai gave special talk on climate responsible development to the participants. Mr. Renganathan, Director VRDP facilitated the workshop and plan of action among the NGOs were prepared in keeping the view of the climate change issues.

Coalition for climate Justice and Social Action Movement Meeting
On 15th Aug 2011 Coalition for climate Justice and SAM organized a one day workshop at Salem for the members of the Mr. Renganathan, Director VRDP facilitated the workshop and plan of action among the NGOs were prepared in keeping the view of the climate change issues. District level initiatives on climate change insisted in the program to have a comprehensive plan at the regional level. The ways and means were discussed to advocate the cross cutting issues with related to climate change.