STI/HIVAIDS/Prevention and Control

VRDP had been implementing an AIDS prevention and control project in Salem District with VHS-USAID assistance since 1998. Then, VRDP implemented an innovative intervention known as Tamil Nadu AIDS initiative (TAI) with VHS support up to 2008. The target population covered by VRDP during the project period is 2600 female sex workers. VRDP had involved in 2600 female sex workers for their Behaviour change communication, STI services in two clinics with Drugs, peer education, condom promotion and Collectivization. Behavior change communication, STI service, Condom promotion, Structural Advocacy measures, Prevention among the Infected, Monitoring and evaluation and creating sustainable movement. Now the project has been maintained and running by the community itself.

Community Based Care and Support
VRDP is also concentrating on care and support for the Children living with HIV/AIDS in 3 blocks and Salem Corporation in Salem district. Till now 370 Children infected and affected with HIV/AIDS have been taken care for the nutritional, educational and treatment referral facilities. To reduce the social stigma and prevalence of HIV/AIDS rate, the program has been concentrated.

Link Workers Project
This core intervention concentrates the rural vulnerable section on HIV/AIDS especially women and youth. VRDP works in 5 Taluks at 120 rural vulnerable villages in Salem District. Identification of high risk group, Education to adolescent girls and boys, women and youth, Eradication of myths and misconception on HIV/AIDS, Demand creation on ART, STI and Condom Promotion are the major intervention through this project.